1) The CN Tower is the tallest freestanding structure in the Western Hemisphere. It has an observation deck and restaurant that are 350 m above ground level. This area is protected from fire by an extensive sprinkler system that is fed water by a pump on the ground. The pump is connected to the municipal water supply and has an inlet relative pressure of 350 kPa. In order to function correctly, the sprinkler system on the observation deck must be provided with 20 litres per second of water at a relative pressure of 200 kPa. The piping through which water is delivered is made of commercial steel with an inner diameter of 7.5 cm. It contains two fully open ball valves and two 90° standard elbows. The viscosity of the water is MH,0 = 1.0 x 10-3 Pas. (a) If the pump has an efficiency of 80%, what power must be provided to the pump in order to maintain the required flow? (b) What is the maximum fluid pressure attained in the system? Where?