1. To locate a value in an ordered array of 50 items,binary search must examine at most ________values.2. To determine that a value is not present in an unorderedarray of 50 items, linear search must examine anumber of ________ values.3. To find a value that is in an unordered array of 100 items,linear search must examine an average of ________values.4. To determine that a item is not in anunordered array of 100 items, linear search mustexamine an average of ________ values.5. A bubble sort is being used to arrange the following set ofnumbers in ascending order: 8 6 4 9 3 7 After the first pass of thesort is completed, what order will the data be in?6. You can assign the contents of one array to another by using________.7. When searching for a particular object in an array ofobjects, it is necessary to compare the ________ to the value ineach examined object's ________ .A) search key, private member dataB) key field, public member data C) search key, public member dataD) search key, key field E) key field, search key8. Selection sort requires ________ passes to put n data itemsin order. A) n B) n/2 C) n/2 +1 D) n-1 E) n+19. A bubble sort is being used to arrange the following set ofnumbers in ascending order: 7 5 3 9 2 6 After the first pass of thesort is completed, what order will the data be in?