18. The theory of efficiency wages explains why a. setting wages at the equilibrium level may increase unemployment. b. it may be in the best interest of firms to offer wages that are above the equilibrium level. c the most efficient way to pay workers is to pay them according to their skills. d. it is efficient for firms to set wages at the equilibrium level. 19. One example of a demand deposit is: a. a credit card b. a checking account c. there are no examples because we don't use these anymore d. a mutual fund 20. In a world of floating exchange rates, when a country runs a trade deficit with the rest of the world a. it pushes down the value of their currency, increasing demand for their exports b. it raises the value of their currency, decreasing demand for their goods c. trade deficits are impossible, since there is always a buyer and a seller for all goods d. people stop buying their goods 21. President Obama's health insurance program, the Affordable Care Act, requires everyone to buy insurance. Why did he do this, if it's so unpopular? a. He just did not realize people would oppose a government requirement so much. b. the problem of adverse selection c. diversifying your protfolio reduces risk d. the problem of moral hazard 22. When the Federal Reserve raises the 'discount rate a. the money supply falls b. the money supply increases c. the interest rate falls d. none of the above are correct 23. When a country's currency is undervalued, like the Chinese renminbi, a. its exports look expensive to the rest of the world b. its exports look cheap to the rest of the world c. there will be decreased demand in the rest of the world for its exports d. it makes no difference to imports and exports since money is a veil