Instructions Build the Museum Ticket Generator app, using your activity guide to help you plan. When you're done, submit your work ar onday 000 Ticked DD Show Toolbox Workspace Version History Show Blocks 5 var price: 6 7 8 9. onEvent("calculateButton", "click", function() { 10 17 Update Variables 11 day = getText("dayDropdown") 12 age getText("ageDropdown" ); 13 discountCode - getText("discount Input"); 14 price = 10; 15 16 17 1/ Check the value of variables to decide the price to set 18 if (age 18 - - "Saturday day - "Sunday) 19 price - price/2; 2013 21 22 23 1/ Create the text for the ticket FACTS 24 var output - ("Day 1" + day) - Inger 25 setText (ticketOutput", output); age + "nPrice: $" + P 26 What 27 20 11 Set the text on the screen 29 Reset submit in 11 Debug Console Clear Watchers YA 19 TO a bu # $ 1 < 2 3 & 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q Q E R T Y MORE Sare hours ago Instructions Build the Museum Ticket Generator app, using your activity guide to help 150 you plan. When you're done, submit your work Workspace Version History Show Blocks D Show Toolbox 5 var price: 6 10000 MUCH 2 ur good, tywy 50 ON 9. onEvent("calculateButton", "click", function() { 10 1 Update Variables day - getText"dayDropdown"): 12 age-gettext(ageDropdown"): 13 discount Code - getText("discount Input"); price - 10; 15 16 12 I check the value of variables to decide the price to set 28 st (age - 18 "Saturday day - Sunday) Expected an identifier and instead saw. Expected to match from line 18 and instead sav Saturday'. Expected an identifier and instead saw '66'. Mining before statement Expected an identities and instead saw). Expected an operator and instead saw Missing semicolon. 27 2 17 st to the same 29 eset somit FACTS, IM DOING What kind of poparts Daca » wa The 119 SO * ga DEL DO S A 2 3 4 % 5 6 & 7 8 9 O Q W E R T Y U 0 А S D F G u Instructions Build the Museum Ticket Generator app, using your activity guide to help you plan. When you're done, submit your work. ES III Monday Tich One DO Show Toolbox Workspace Version History Show Blocks 5 var prices b 6 7 DO00C 8 9. onEvent("calculateButton", "click", function() { 10 // Update Variables 11 day - getText("dayDropdown") 12 age - getText("ageDropdown") 13 ur good discount Code - getText("discount Input"); 14 price - 10; 15 16 17 1/ Check the value of variables to decide the price to set 18 1 (age 19 - Saturday's day - "Sunday") 19 priceprice/2 203 Expected an identifier and instead saw). 23 1/ Create the text for the ticket FACTS MDOM 24 var output - Day." day) 25 extitieke output, output): ge" .age Price: $" - P 26 What kind of pe 27 25 1 Set the text on the screen 25 Reset Submit Clear 119 > 09 38 $ 2 % 3 + 5 6 8 7 8 9 9 Q W E R T Y 0 А S D F G Н