"You know I never approved of it," purued Utteron, ruthlely diregarding the freh topic. "My will? Ye, certainly, I know that," aid the doctor, a trifle harply. "You have told me o. "
"Well, I tell you o again," continued the lawyer. "I have been learning omething of young Hyde. "
The large handome face of Dr. Jekyll grew pale to the very lip, and there came a blackne about hi eye. "I do not care to hear more," aid he. "Thi i a matter I thought we had agreed to drop. "

–The Strange Cae of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,
Robert Loui Stevenon

What type of conflict doe the paage illutrate?

character v. Ociety
character v. Nature
character v. Elf
character v. Character