1. A business can use a wiki in the following ways EXCEPT _____.
A. accessing schedules and procedures
B. exchanging ideas
C. sharing policies
D. aggregating content
2. An online game developer has an issue with its most popular game and must take the server offline. The company posts an update on its social media page. How is this a positive use of social networking?
A. It shares the company’s plans with competitors, making it transparent and honest.
B. It allows the users to share their experiences with the game on a different platform while the site is down.
C. It confirms who uses the social networking platform to get status updates and follow the game.
D. It allows the company to communicate to many users at once about an issue and release status updates.
3. Businesses use webinars for the following reasons EXCEPT _____.
A. Group discussions
B. Education and compliance
C. Training and skill development
D. Brand promotion
4. Daniela’s company has decided to allow employees to work from home. What can the company use to let employees continue to meet and collaborate on group projects?
A. Web conferences
B. Text messaging
C. Email messages
D. Podcasts
5. Gwen is starting a blog about vegetable gardening. What information should she include on the blog's home page?
A. list of posts with the most recent ones at the top
B. a photo and description of herself
C. an indicator showing the number of pageviews
D. list of webpages that link to her blog
6. How do you create an email message?
A. Use a web service and create an account.
B. Use an app or software to compose and send information.
C. Use a content management system to publish notes to individuals.
D. Use a program that captures incoming hashtags for sharing with others.
7. How might a business use a blog?
A. To present a demonstration
B. To host a meeting
C. To communicate with customers
D. To transmit a video