
After working on two texts involving recipes/steps on how follow directions, we got to see different purposes as to why author’s write the way they do and why they produce text.
Now, it’s your turn! You will choose from the following:

How to bake a cake

Cook a meal

Spell your name in sign-language

Create a mini poster ad of purchasing the new iPhone


Other: Come up with your own! Be sure to ask teacher permission before you start!


Select a topic to create a step-by-step procedural text that will start from the beginning of the project and end in a completed task. You may choose to incorporate visuals (pictures of the meal you are creating or the ad you are creating as example) and any effects that will create a purpose for your task. Remember the two examples we looked at this week, Cool Eye Tricks and Strawberry Yogurt Parfait. How did the authors create their steps? What is vital information you MUST include. I highly recommend you follow your steps before you submit your project to see if it makes sense and accomplishes the goal you want to accomplish. Please incorporate at LEAST 5 steps in your task. Lastly, have fun! This will be submitted in our Nearpod lesson and is due by FRIDAY this week.

After you have completed your procedural text assignment you will notice some open-ended questions that require complete sentences. There are sentence stems to assist your writing. Focus on grammar, punctuation, and clear communication. Ask if you don’t know!

Complete the assignment and then type "I have completed the assignment" into the text submission below.