this is the lab 2.1.4 modeling a plate boundary Points Possible: 50 Date: If you do not have access to a laboratory, use this dry lab data to complete the lab activity. Make sure you understand the lab procedure so you can interpret the data provided. This dry lab accompanies the "Modeling a Plate Boundary Lab" on page 79 of your Prentice Hall Earth Science Lab Manual. Pre-Lab Discussion (pp. 79-80) Answer questions 1 - 5 Procedure (pp. 80-82) 1. Look at the map on Resource 3 in the DataBank. Examine the convergence of the Pacific tectonic plate and the North American tectonic plate, south of the Aleutian Arc of volcanic islands in the northern Pacific Ocean. 2. Look at the diagram on page 80 to help you understand how the edges of the