FATAGE C ALABA LAWSON ROYAL COLL FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2021/2022 ACADEMIC SESSION GLASS: 5552 SUBJECT AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE TIME 2 HOURS SECTIONA OBIECTIVES INSTRUCTIONS Answer all questions Aprece of land is said to be on lease to farmer when the land is A inherited from his father E. given to him as a gift C. Even as compensation given for a specified period on rental basis 2. The problems associated with land tenure through inheritance include the following except A small landholdings for family members Bright of individuals to free use and control inherited land Cifficulty to sell part of the land D. hatred among family members arising from land sharing cance C B. Peasant farmers sell almost all their produce immediately after harvesting because A stored produce lose quality B. there are inadequate storage facilities C the produce are perishable D stored produce will be lost to pests 4. The commonest method of land tenure in Nigeria is A Lease inheritance C pledge allocation D. Outright purchase 5. Which of the following crops is a raw material for the production of cocoa? A Kplanut B. Coppa C Avocado pear D. Coffee 6. The main pojective of agricure is A. Income B. Provision of employment C Food production D. Provision of shelter 7. Food shortage can be minimized by A Efficient pest control E. natural hazards C llegal exportation of farm produce D. Hoarding 2. Subsistence agriculture is characterized by A use of machines 8. large scale production C. small farm holdings D. intensive use of inputs S/Output is higher in commercial agriculture because of the following reasons except A. adequate finance B cultivation of large hectares of land C. employment of large labour force D. utilization of complex machines 10. The most important farm input contributed by the peasant farmer's family is A Capitale. Labour C. Planting materials o Fertilizers 13. The main aim of establishing came reserves is to A prevent rare species of wild animals from extinction B. generate income C. provide employment D. discourage poaching 12 An area of land where fruit trees are grown is commonly called a/ana sation 8. Orchard C. Nursery D. Greenhouse​