Functions are in the world all around us. You have used functions to model phenomena and to make predictions. Mathematically, you can add, subtract, multiply, and divide functions, and you can also create a composition of functions.
A composition of functions occurs when you evaluate one function using another function, or even with the same function. A composition of functions is useful when a change in one function will create a change in another function, which, in turn, affects a third function. For example, suppose that humans build a housing development on land that was previously used as a corn field. This change in land usage causes the number of birds in the area to decrease, which causes the number of mosquitos to increase. You could model the increase in the number of mosquitoes as a function of the number of birds in the area, which is a function of the number of humans that live on that land.

You can also use the composition of functions to show that one function is the inverse of another function. Recall that the graphs of inverse functions are reflections of each other over the line. Think about these ideas as you read through the scenario below.

Last night it started raining as Hiba was closing up the store where she works. By 3 am, the roof of the store developed a small hole and water began to leak onto the sales floor. The water created a circular puddle on the floor. At any time, t, in minutes, the radius of the puddle increases by 0.1 cm. The rain continued through the night, but stopped by the time the morning shift arrived at the store at 7 am.
When the employees arrived at work, the leak and water puddle were discovered. The employees cleaned up the water puddle and placed a tall circular bucket underneath the leak, which was still slowly dripping. The capacity of the bucket can be expressed as. By 10 am, the amount of water in the bucket is.

Functions are in the world all around us You have used functions to model phenomena and to make predictions Mathematically you can add subtract multiply and div class=