Perhaps you chose Bronx First National, because of the higher ending balance, but...
Uh-oh! The college (name of your college here: 5pts. requires the first tuition payment to secure enrollment 6 months before the CD matures.
Now you must withdraw the money from the CD early (after only 3 years and 6 months) and you face two penalties...

Penalty 1: The interest rate for the last year is reduced to 0.5% APR Simple interest.
Penalty 2: Then there is an additional $250 penalty fee deducted from your account.
d. Find the ending balance at 1.4% interest for the first 3 years only. (Use NerdWallet Calculator)

e. Using the ending balance (answer d.) as your new principal, find the simple interest (I) earned for the last 6 months at 0.5% APR. (Show work.)

f. Now subtract the 250 penalty fee from the ending balance. (answer d.+e) and determine your new ending balance adjusted for both penalties. (Show work.)

g. Why might you have been better off with the Co-op City Bank CD? Explain comparing data (from answers a. and f.)

Perhaps you chose Bronx First National because of the higher ending balance but Uhoh The college name of your college here 5pts requires the first tuition payme class=