Please sign this petition to make FLVS dbas optional!
Make FLVS DBAs optional for everyone.

Flvs dbas are known to cause serious anxiety to most flvs students, if not almost all. Many kids get anxiety and depression from flvs because of dbas, and many students have had teachers be extremely demeaning and makeup flvs dba rules that are not real just because they feel like it. Multiple students have apparently had teachers even make them cry, and even accuse them of doing things and that does not make dbas any better it really just makes them worse.

If flvs does not make dbas optional, it would atleast be helpful if they could make them something that does not need to be a call and that could be done over text or email.

Please, sign this petition. It would also help if flvs really makes dbas optional, these dbas have torn down the confidence and lives of flvs students. Many students have had such severe mental damage from dbas and the ways many teachers have handeled them that it is something that will always stick with them and that they are traumatized from for the rest of their school years. There is times that students have so much trauma from flvs dbas that it is all they think of every day, even during break, on weekends, and even the summer, it is something that caunstantly traumatizes them.

If flvs made dbas optional or made them so that you can do them in text or email instead of a call, I'm sure they would have a lot more positive feedback of the school, and would definetly even get more and more students. If you ask many people, the reason that they wont do flvs classes, or if they have left flvs and wont ever do an flvs class again, it is most definetly because of dbas. Thank You for making this happen and signing the petition.