5. Resenhoeft, Villa, and Wiseman (2008) conducted a
study showing that a woman shown in a photograph
was judged as less attractive when the photograph
showed a visible tattoo compared to the same pho-
tograph with the tattoo removed. Suppose a similar
experiment is conducted as a repeated-measures
study. A sample of n = 12 males looks at a set of
30 photographs of women and rates the attractiveness
of each woman using a 5-point scale (5= most posi-
tive). One photograph appears twice in the set, once
with a tattoo and once with the tattoo removed. For
each participant, the researcher records the difference
between the two ratings of the same photograph. On
average, the photograph without the tattoo is rated
M, 1.2 points higher than the photograph with the
tattoo, with SS 33 for the difference scores. Does
the presence of a visible tattoo have a significant
effect on the attractiveness ratings? Use a two-tailed
test with a= 05.

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