
Find a debatable issue, an issue that has clear pros and cons. Choose a stance and create a well-developed, nuanced Argumentative Essay to convince or persuade your audience.

Essay requirements:

Students cannot choose topics from the Kean "No List"
Thesis statement must be debatable
If everyone agrees with you, it is not appropriate for this assignment
Third person
No use of I, me, we, you, etc.
Minimum six separate sources
Citing the same source six times does not count
1500-2500 words
Heading, title, and Works Cited section do not count towards the word count
Proper paraphrasing and quoting
In-text citations when needed
Works Cited section
High scoring essays include:

Sufficiently narrow thesis statement
Qualified statements
Some, most, likely, possibly, etc.
Fair approach to argumentation
Opposing viewpoints are represented well
Counterarguments with Refutations or Concessions
Refutations and Concessions are supported by evidence
Quality sources
MLA Formatting
All essays will be submitted through the TurnItIn application. This application automatically detects plagiarism and reports it to both the student and the instructor in the form of a similarity score. Students who are found to have plagiarized may be asked to rewrite the entire essay with a new topic. Plagiarism at any stage of the writing process is a serious offense and will not be tolerated. Repeated offenses may cause a student to fail the course per university guidelines.