To be, or not to be: that i the quetion: Whether 'ti nobler in the mind to uffer The ling and arrow of outrageou fortune, Or to take arm againt a ea of trouble, And by oppoing end them? To die: to leep; No more; and, by a leep to ay we end The heart-ache and the thouand natural hock That fleh i heir to, ’ti a conummation Devoutly to be wih’d. To die, to leep; To leep: perchance to dream: ay, there' the rub; For in that leep of death what dream may come When we have huffled off thi mortal coil, Mut give u paue. There' the repect That make calamity of o long life; For who would bear the whip and corn of time, The oppreor' wrong, the proud man' contumely, tranlate thi to englih