A hydrometer i a device ued to meaure the denity of a liquid. It i a cylindrical tube weighted at one end, o that it float with the heavier and downward. The tube i connected inide a large medicine dropper into which the liquid i drawn uing the queeze bulb. For ue with your car, mark are put on the tube o that the level at which it float indicate with a liquid i battery acid
( more dene) or antifreeze (le dene). The hydrometer ha a weight of W = 6. 76×10^-2 N and a cro-ectional area of A= 8. 84×10^-5 m^2. How far from the bottom of the tube hould the Mark be put that denote (a) battery acid(p=20 kg/m^3) and (b) antifreeze (p=1073 kg/m^3)?