How can temperature lead to weathering of rocks? (1 point)How can temperature lead to weathering of rocks? (1 point)
a. Rocks become ice when they get cold, which can later melt and wash away.
b. Rocks can melt when they become hot, which can lead to pieces breaking off.
c. Rocks expand and contract when they are heated and cooled which cause them to break.
d. Rocks move faster when they are heated, which can cause the pieces to eventually
Which part of Earth experiences physical weathering? (1 point)
a crust
b inner core
c mantle
d outer core
Which is the last stage of physical weathering in rocks? (1 point)
a boulder
b pebble
c sand
d rock
What must be present on a rock that undergoes frost wedging?(1 point)
a sharp edges
b round shape
c holes around it
d crack