You are going to sensationalize a newspaper article much like the New York World and the New York Journal which helped push the U.S. towards the Spanish american war. Both newspapers blamed the USS Maine explosion in 1898 in Spain. we later found out that coal dust or ammunition was what caused the ship to explode. We find bias in many news organizations still today. news companies often get accused of putting their "spin" on the daily news.

1. Find a newspaper article that is written about current united states events using the newspaper, or your iPad. choose one that interests you or one that you think would make a great story to sensationalize.

2. Write a sensationalized news account about the story you found. It is okay to bend the truth and have fun doing so. 3 paragraph minimum!!!

3. Also include a colorful illustration of the article to really drive home YOUR point of view. Remember, you want people to see the story fro your point of view!

4. Include a title that grabs the readers attention and sensationalizes your news story

You will be graded on the written and illustrated parts of the assignment. Entertain me with your "spin" of the story!