A pherical nowball ha volume V =4/3(πr^3) and urface area S = 4πr^2, where r i meaured in cm. (a) A the nowball melt, the rate of change of it volume i not contant. Suppoe we know the nowball melt at a rate given by 1/4 of it current urface area per minute. Write a mathematical tatement that repreent the rate of change of the volume of the phere in thi ituation. Include unit. (b) Ue your equation from part (d) of the previou problem to how that dr/dt i contant for the melting nowball decribed in the problem. (c) Baed on the previou part, how long will it take a nowball of radiu 10 cm to completely melt?
I’m particularly confued on part c. Thank!