Match each patient's presentation with the correct nursing specialty to treat the illness or injury.
Javier Griego is just eighteen, but already shows tremendous promise in both football and baseball. As the starting
pitcher on the baseball team as well as first string quartererback on the football team, Javier has been heavily recruited
by scouts up and down the west coast to play college ball. But now, all that seems in jeopardy. This past week, he went
into the hospital for relatively minor arthroscopic surgery on the medial meniscus in his right knee. All seemed fine until
about eight hours after surgery, when the knee became inflamed and hot to the touch. The spot where the small
incision was made is now weeping pus, and Javier has developed a high fever, his blood pressure is dropping, and he is
increasingly lethargic and confused. Javier will be seen by one of the hospital's