Can someone help me with this, please?
Gather information about an American author whose writing you enjoy. When conducting your research, a minimum of three sources must be used, of which only one can be from the Internet. A minimum of one print media source must be used. Only a justifiable reason for variance, approved in advance by the grading teacher, will be allowed for changes in the sources requirement. Use of more than three sources is encouraged.
Be sure to include your thesis statement in the outline. Remember that the more detail you have in your outline, the more direction you will have and the more confident you will be as you write. Proper indentation of the divisions and subpoints is required. Be sure to use parallel construction when writing your subpoints. Use proper outline format as shown in the example below:
Thesis statement: thesis statement here
I. First main point goes here
A. First subpoint goes here; supports main point above
1. Fact that supports above subpoint
2. Fact that supports above subpoint
B. Second subpoint goes here; supports main point above
1. Fact that supports above subpoint
2. Fact that supports above subpoint
II. Second main point goes here
A. First subpoint goes here; supports main point above
1. Fact that supports above subpoint
2. Fact that supports above subpoint
B. Second subpoint goes here; supports main point above
1. Fact that supports above subpoint
2. Fact that supports above subpoint
Revise your final outline as necessary. Develop a biographical paper on your selected author that is 300-500 words in length. The paper must correlate with your outline.