1. a trained medical professional licensed to administer anesthetics, gases, or liquids that dull or eliminate the effects of painful procedures, to patients

2. the post-secondary academic degree awarded to graduates of a two-year program of study at an accredited community college or professional school

3. the post-secondary academic degree awarded to graduates of a four-year program of study at an accredited college or university

4. the exchange of a patient from one healthcare worker to another

5. translated into English, Doctors without Borders, is an international nongovernmental organization that sends volunteer doctors, nurses, and medical staff into war-torn countries as well as areas that have sustained natural disasters and other traumatic events to provide emergency medical services to residents

6. a person trained to assist women in childbirth; in recent years the scope of practice has evolved to include treatment of women throughout their childbearing years

7. newborn children

a. anesthetist
b.Baccalaureate Degree
d.Médecins Sans Frontières
e. neonatal
f.associate degree
g. handoff