what is a summary for " I have my machine nearly finished . it is not to have a motor and is not expected to fly any true sense of the world . my idea is merely to experiment and practice with a view to solving the problem of equilibrium . i have plans which I hope to find much in advance of the methods tried by previous experimenters when once a machine is under proper control under all conditions , the motor problem will be quickly solved . a failure of the motor will then simply mean slow descent and safe landing instead of a disastrous fall , in my experiments i do not expect to rise many feet from the ground , and in case i am upset there is nothing but soft sand to strike on . i do not intend to take dangerous chances , both because i have no wish to get hurt and because a fall would stop by experimenting , which i would not like at all , the man who wishes to keep at the problem long enough to really learn anything positively cannot take dangerous risks . carelessness and overconfindent are usually more dangerous than deliberately accepted risks , i am constructing my machine to sustain about five times my weight and am testing every piece .

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