5.2.4 Lab: Weathering and Erosion
Dry Lab
MS Earth and Space Science Sem 1
Points Possible:50
Dawuud Abdus-Sabir
Video Lab: Modeling Weathering and Erosion (50 points)
As you watch the demonstration shown in the videos, answer the questions in this worksheet.
Introduction (4 points)
1. What is the dripping water being used to model? What is the graham cracker being used to model? (4 points)
Part 1: Designing a Model (10 points)
2. What type of landform is being modeled by the graham cracker in the bowl? (2 points)
3. Identify the values of the following variables in the graham cracker model: the location on the cracker where water will be dripped, the height of the eyedropper above the cracker, the rate at which the water will be dripped, and the amount of water used. (4 points)
4. Why is it important to identify the values of the variables in the model? (4 points)
Part 2: Modeling Weathering and Erosion by Water (36 points)
5. What happens to the water as it is dripped onto the graham cracker? What happens to the graham cracker where the water has been dripped on it? (8 points)
6. What changes did you observe in the graham cracker? (4 points)
7. What do the crumbs in the bottom of the bowl model? What evidence do they provide that the water caused weathering and erosion? (6 points)
8. What force is driving the erosion of the graham cracker crumbs? (2 points)
9. How does the graham cracker model show how weathering and erosion by water shape the landform you identified in question 2? Include details of what you saw happen with the model and how it relates to what happens in nature. (10 points)
10. How can water lead to a sudden landslide? What variable would you change in the model to show how this can happen? (6 points)
Photos needed