
the top of this table. Count the number of strong and weak connections (arrows
going to or from a species group) to complete the table below:
cies gro
Sea Floor Plants
Predatory Fish
Strong: 0
Strong: 1
Weak: 2
Floating Algae
Strong: 1
Weak: 1
Total: 2
Total: 3
Total: 2
7. In general, do these species groups have more connections or less after fishing?
Strong: ====>>
Grazing Fish
Strong: 1
Weak: 3
Total: 4
8. How does the strength of the interactions compare between this food web and
the one before fishing?
9. What does it mean for the ecosystem when most of the interactions are weak?
10. Redraw the food web including only the abundant species? What do
you notice? (Note: some species may not have any connections at all)