
Read each quote below from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, chapters 1-5. Rewrite
the slang, or nonstandard English, into Standard English. An example has been provided
for you. Each response is worth 4 points.
Example: "Miss Watson she kept pecking at me..." (18)
Miss Watson persistently demanded things of me.
1. "He got up and stretched his neck out about a minute, listening. Then he says, 'Who dah?""
2. "Here's Huck Finn, he hain't got no family-what you going to do 'bout him?" (24)
3. "Do you reckon you can learn 'em anything?" (24)
4. "He used to always whale me when he was sober and could get his hands on me; though I
used to take to the woods most of the time when he was around." (28)