Cameron wakes up from a horrible nightmare in the Night-time; traumatized and scared due to these scary premonitions; he cannot go back to sleep, so for the next couple of hours, he decides to stay awake; Cameron would not call out to his parents. Cameron was running from something he couldn't quite identify. He was well aware that it was terrifying. It was fast and made a strange sound that was difficult to describe. He kept running, but it seemed endless. This had to be a nightmare, he reasoned in his mind. Suddenly, while running, he felt the floor give way beneath him, and he began to fall. Then suddenly. Cameron awakens from a nightmare, gasping for air as he sits up in bed. "Was that a dream? It felt real." Cameron's voice was trembling. He wasn't sure if he could sleep right now because He was sick. He got out of bed and went downstairs to the kitchen to get a glass of water. He decided to try going back to bed after calming down, feeling much calmer in his bed this time. He lay down and slowly drifted to sleep. Hoping he doesn't get another nightmare tonight. For the rest of the night, everything was fine with Cameron, he didn’t have another nightmare but he was still shaken up about it the next day. Cameron didn’t want to talk about it cause he did not want the attention, he just brushed it off and ignored it. His parents noticed something was off with him and they tried asking him, but he told them that he was fine and said calmly that he did not want to discuss it.
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