The map shows spot elevations, drainage lines, and a lake. Using a CI of 5 feet, construct a topographic map of the area. (NOTE: Not all of the spot elevations will lie on the lines you draw. Use a brown pencil to draw the contour
lines. You will have to interpolate where the lines should be drawn between points of known elevation. Interpolation requires some judgment as to the placement of the lines. For example, only one spot elevation on the map is shown at the 65-foot
elevation. To draw the 65-foot contour line, you must estimate where other points at that elevation lie relative to known points of elevation. Thus, the 65-foot contour would probably be drawn closer to a spot elevation of 64 feet than it would to a spot
elevation of 70 feet.)

The map shows spot elevations drainage lines and a lake Using a CI of 5 feet construct a topographic map of the area NOTE Not all of the spot elevations will li class=