Project: Programming a Math Algorithm
Writing a program to calculate a person's BMI is an example of using a math algorithm. In the BMI case, you used a formula to find a person's BMI and assigned the result to a category. Your program handled possible errors. This man needs to be concerned about his potential errors.
the BMI scale
(Imagery supplied by bearsky23/iStock via Getty)
In this unit, you learned how to manipulate numbers and strings, acquire input from the user, perform data manipulations for various types, and make decisions. You displayed the results for the user. You are able to plan and write programs, using the input-process-output model. You can test the results. In this project, you will plan and write a program to solve a math algorithm. Unlike the man in the picture, you will identify possible errors and handle them in your program.
Choosing Your Math Algorithm
Think of a math question that takes several steps to solve. It should not be a math question already programmed in the unit. Some examples are below, or you might think of your own ideas. The question should require input from the user, process the information, and display the results. You can choose your own algorithm. It does not need to be one of these.
Find the surface area of a cylinder.
Find the surface area of a pyramid.
Find the hypotenuse of a right triangle.
Your Task
Write a pseudocode plan for your program.
Write the code for your program.
Test your program. Run it at least three times with different inputs.
Save your program as a different type of text file, such as .docx.