Physical Geography of Central America Many of the peaks created by tectonic movement are volcanoes. One such peak, Tajumulco Volcano, is the region’s highest point at 13,845 feet. At least 20 volcanoes are currently act The areas endangered by volcanoes are home to how much of the Central American population? The areas endangered by volcanoes are home to how much of the Central American population? One third Three fourths Two thirds One halfive. Hundreds of villages and cities near their slopes have been damaged or destroyed as a result of periodic eruptions. Meanwhile, earthquakes have killed tens of thousands of persons in Guatemala, El Salvador, and Nicaragua. Unfortunately, the areas endangered by volcanoes and earthquakes are home to nearly three fourths of all Central Americans, including residents of four capital cities: Tegucigalpa, Honduras; Managua, Nicaragua; Guatemala City, Guatemala; and San Salvador, El Salvador. The Caribbean shoreline is less heavily populated than the volcanic regions to the south.