1.) what can people learn about the cross female, dichaete, wild typemale, dichaete, truncated. And what could the results possibly indicate about the assumptions and genetics of traits

2.) What can people learn about the cross female, dichaete, truncated male, diachaete, wild type And what could the results possibly indicate about the assumptions and genetics of traits

3.) what can people learn about the cross female, wild type, wild type male, dichaete, wild type and what could the results possibly indicate about the assumptions and genetics of traits

4.) what can people learn about the cross female, wild type, dichaete male, dichatete, truncated and what could the results possibly indicate about the assumptions and genetics of traits

5.) what can people learn about the cross female,dichaete,truncated male, dichaete, wild type and
what could the results possibly indicate about the assumptions and genetics of traits

6.) what can people learn about the cross femal, wild type, truncated male, wild type, wild type and what could the results possibly indicate about the assumptions and genetics of traits