Benefits of Gaming

Video games can aid in building brain functions that are important to learning. People who play video games have increased attention spans and visual recognition because they need these abilities while playing in-depth, strategy-based games. Many of these games take long periods of time to play, thus players must stay focused for longer. Developing focus can aid in learning and is an important trait for all people to have.
Problem-solving, something vital for success in school and careers, is another skill that can be developed through gaming. Many games, including action and sports games, require players to solve problems quickly in order to be successful. These skills can be developed through continuous playing of video games. The multiple cognitive actions required by video games, such as those required by strategy-based games, help students develop the ability to multi-task. A recent study also suggests that those with dyslexia have improved reading and brain skills with repeated gaming experiences.
With all of these benefits, there are still opponents who believe gaming is negative. Opponents believe that some games promote violence and lead to violent emotions. However, if a parent or guardian spends time discussing any violent images or situations from video games with players, these objections can be overcome. The positive benefits of perseverance and patience can become the focus of video games.
Which sentence would be the best conclusion to the essay?
These benefits are important and overcome the negative parts of gaming.
So, even the things people say are bad about gaming can be turned into benefits.
Perseverance, patience, problem solving and focus are things that will help students do better.
The lessons learned from gaming can be applied not only in school, but in everyday life as well.