William Bradford's Of Plymouth Plantation chronicles his arrival and life in New England. It is told from his first person point of view
For this assignment, you are being asked to read Bradford's excerpt and create your own first person journal entry. You will imagine that you have travelled back in time and witnessed everything that Bradford has described secretly from afar and write a reaction to what you have seen and heard. Your journal entry is to be between 200-300 words. This will require some creativity, but it must also be rooted in the information provided in the excerpt. To ensure that you are staying true to the spirit of Bradford's writing, be sure to reference specific parts. You may write about any chapter provided.
Once you are done writing, take some time to reflect on your journal entry. Then, select one of the paragraphs you wrote and rewrite it as though you are not a time traveler, but instead someone from Bradford's own time period. After you rewrite the paragraph, write 3-4 sentences that compare your two journal entries. How did considering Bradford's journal entries from the perspective of a time traveler from the future versus from the perspective of someone from the same time period impact how you interpreted and felt about the events about which Bradford writes?