
Anya recently graduated and has just started a job at a large company. She had to take out many student loans to cover the cost of her tuition expenses, and though she is earning money, she is prioritizing paying off her loans as quickly as possible. The company's end-of-year holiday party is quickly approaching and Anya has nothing appropriate to wear. Anya’s friend Mariana provides advice: “Purchase a dress from a large department store a few days prior to the party. Wear the dress to the end-of-year party (without taking the tags off) - but be careful not to spill anything on it. After the party, return the dress to the store and explain to them that it doesn’t fit you. Their return policy will mean they’ll refund your money and it won’t hurt the company as they’ll be able to re-sell the dress.” Anya has heard how important the office party is, and really wants to impress her bosses.

What do you think Anya should do? Why? What are the pros and cons of doing so?