Not all atoms are stable. Heavier and more complex elements can be
unstable. Unstable atoms are usually isotopes. Isotopes of an element
have the same numbers of electrons and protons. However, they
differ in the number of neutrons. Uranium is the heaviest atom found
in nature and provides a good example. Stable uranium atoms have
92 electrons, 92 protons, but 54 neutrons. This is called Uranium
238, and it is the most abundant isotope found in nature. Uranium
235 is a naturally occurring isotope, which is unstable. It has only
51 neutrons. This isotope makes up only .7% of all natural uranium.
7. Which statement DISAGREES with this paragraph?
A. The less complex the atom, the more likely it is to be
B. The less complex an isotope, the more likely it is of being
C. The more complex the atom the greater its chances of
being unstable.

Not all atoms are stable Heavier and more complex elements can be unstable Unstable atoms are usually isotopes Isotopes of an element have the same numbers of e class=