
Match the term with the definition.
_______ 1. Share _______ 22. Short Term Loans
_______ 2. Equities _______ 23. Depreciation_______
3. Capital Gains _______ 24. Retained Earnings _______
4. Capital Loss _______ 25. Venture Capitalists _______
5. Stock Split _______ 26. Balance Sheet _______
6. Stockbroker _______ 27. Assets _______
7. Brokerage Firm _______ 28. Liabilities _______
8. New York Stock Exchange _______ 29. Net Worth _______
9. Nasdaq _______ 30. Income Statement _______
10. Futures _______ 31. Dividends _______
11. Bull Market _______ 32. Day Trading _______
12. Bear Market _______ 33. Stock Exchanges _______
13. Dow Jones Industrial Average _______ 34. 52 Week Hi & Lo _______
14. S & P 500 _______ 35. Sym _______
15. Speculation _______ 36. Yld% _______
16. Long Term Loans _______ 37. Vol 100s _______
17. Principle _______ 38. Hi & Lo _______
18. Interest _______ 39. Close _______
19. Bonds _______ 40. Net Chg _______
20. Common Stock _______ 21. Preferred Stock
A: Positive things owned by a business
B: Contracts to buy/sell commodities on a specific date in the future at a price set today
C: The stock’s symbol (short name of the company)
D: Claims of ownership in a corporation
E: The amount borrowed
F: Statement of earnings or a profit-and-loss statement over a period of times, usually a year
G: The country’s most powerful exchange
H: The highest and lowest paid for the stock that day
I: A steady drop in the stock market over a period of time
J: A portion of stock
K: Used to fix a cash-flow problem
L: Index that shows the price changes of 500 different stocks
M: How much the stock moved up or down during the day
N: A formal contract to repay borrowed money with interest
O: Stock trading that is bought and sold in the same day
P: A person who links buyers and sellers of stock
Q: Instead of paying dividends, corporations will keep the profits in order to reinvest R: Nonvoting stock that will get paid first
S: The difference between a lower selling price and a higher purchase price
T: The difference between assets and liabilities
U: Used for capital investment
V: The highest and lowest prices paid for the stock over the past year
W: Investors who make loans to new companies
X: Market for electronic securities
Y: The number of shares sold and multiply by 100
Z: The fee for a loan – is a percentage of the amount borrowed
AA: The difference between a higher selling price and a lower purchase price
BB: Shows what a business owes and what it owns on a specific date
CC: Yield is equal to the dividend as a percentage of the stock price
DD: The practice of making high-risk investments with borrowed money in hopes of a big return
EE: Person receives a piece of the profit and has the right to vote for the Board of Directors
FF: Piece of the profits paid quarterly
GG: A business that that specializes in buying and selling stocks
HH: Money owed by a person/business
II: The wearing out of capital equipment
JJ: The division of a single share of stock into more than one share
KK: A steady rise in the stock market over a period of time
LL: The price paid for a stock in the last trade of the day
MM: Shows how 30 various stocks have traded throughout the day
NN: Market for buying and selling stocks