Unit 4 Lab (Photography) Darkroom Vs. Digital Even though the emergence of digital cameras and digital photography has become increasingly popular for many over more traditional film methods, anyone hoping to become a professional photographer should have a basic understanding and knowledge of film photography and the darkroom process. Which is why for this lab, after doing plenty of online research, you will be creating a visual expression that compares and contrasts the development of traditional wet darkroom photographic prints and digital photographic prints. In your comparison, you will need to address the following for BOTH darkroom and digital print creation: • The process and steps that should be taken to create prints • The type of set-up, tools, equipment, and chemicals needed to create prints How to employ safe practices and proper use of any tools, equipment, chemicals, etc. that are needed create prints • A brief history of the evolution of each type of print creation ● There are a variety of options in terms of HOW you will visually compare/contrast these two tynes of print development slideshow presentation infographic animated video w/ text etr