
Do the following, writing and sketching your answers up in a lab report format. Below you will see the download buttons for the sample lab report, lab report guide and lab report pdf for you to use during the lab.

Measure a pencil, end to end. Draw a sketch of the pencil and show your measurements. If you were to balance the pencil horizontally on your finger, where do you think it would be balanced? Note this on your sketch, and write down your hypothesis (distance from each end) and your prediction.
Now test your hypothesis. Balance the pencil on your finger horizontally. When it is balanced, your finger is at the center of gravity. Note and make a mark where your finger is in relation to each end of the pencil.
Measure from one end of the pencil to where your finger balanced it. Show this on your sketch, and record the data it in your chart.
Repeat steps b-c a second time for the pencil.
Repeat steps a - d using a pen and crayon as well.
What are your results? Compare your results with your hypothesis and then write an explanation in a conclusion. Which item has a center of gravity closer to the actual center that you measure?