Message to brainly: Please read if your Brainly! (And Brainly citizens)
First of all, I don't mean any sort of hate by this message whatsoever but do want to put some things into light!
The only reason I got brainly was because I thought it would actually help me, but it really doesnt. I get the "idea" behind it, but how is it helping students? And how do teachers approve of this? All brainly does is give out the answers, like a stranger giving a kid a cookie! But that kid wants to know how to get that cookie himself and not rely on the man! Do you understand what I'm trying to say here?

What if brainly didnt exist? What if the web didnt exist? What would you do then? WELL since you we're relying on everyone and didnt learn how to get the cookie yourself, you'll get F's and if your lucky maybe even D's!
Brainly, go ahead, delete this, but I really dont care! PEOPLE need to know this stuff and your not helping "Students" AT ALL!!

And whats up with not being able to say goofgle or yootube?
Also, I commented on a question by saying! "Hey, Search up organic chemistry teacher on yooutube and you'll get all the answers you need!" And it got deleted, yep, deleted? But why? Well, Its prohibited...? Are you kidding me or are you actually a immature 5 year old? Helping someone look at yoootube to know how to actually get it done shouldnt be banned or whatever! Thats dooomb

Everyone, please, get off brainly and check out ehow education and the organic chemistry tutor on yootube for help! Brainly, you better step up your game or just quit all in all, people are gonna get tired of this sooner or later sweetheart so get your big boy boots on and wake UP!

OH YEAH! one more thing, go ahead and delete this post, the more you delete, the more you delete my respect for your so called company