In a main() function (2 points):
o create 3 empy lists (4 points)
▪ course_list, score_list, grades_list
o use a while loop to ask the user to (2 points)
▪ enter a school course name (or q to quit) (2 points)
▪ determine if the input is a course or “q” (2 points)
• break out of the loop if it’s “q” (2 points)
▪ enter a numerical score for that class (2 points)
▪ add each course to a course_list list (2 points)
▪ add each score to a score_list list. (2 points)
o call the get_grades() function, using the score list and the grade list as arguments
for the parameters (2 points)
o call the print_grades() function, using the course list and the grade list as
arguments for the parameters (2 points)

2. In a get_grades() function (2 points):
o have 2 parameters for a list of scores and a list of grades (2 points)
o use a for loop to (2 points)
▪ loop through the list of scores and compare each score to a grading scale
to assign it a letter grade (90 – 100 = A, 80 – 89 = B, etc.) (4 points)
▪ add each letter grade to a grades list (2 points)

3. In a print_grades() function (2 points):
o have 2 parameters for a list of courses and a list of grades (2 points)
o print a header (like, Grades) (2 points)
o using only one for loop:
▪ loop through both the course list and the grades list (4 points)
▪ print each course and its corresponding letter grade on a separate line (4