105 fans talked about their favorite anime 73 like Dragon Ball Z, 67 like Naruto Shippuden, 51
like One Piece, 42 like Dragon Ball Z and Naruto Shippuden, 38 Like Dragon Ball Z and One
Piece, 40 like Naruto Shippuden and One Piece, 29 like all three.
19. P(Dragon Ball Z or Naruto Shippuden)
20. P (Naruto Shippuden/Not DBZ)
21. P (One piece or Naruto Shippuden)
22. P (Dragon ball Z/Not One Piece)
23. What is the probability of students that like Dragon Ball Z and Naruto Shippuden?
24. What is the probability of students that like One Piece and do not like Naruto Shippuden?