5. Which of these sentences best summarizes the following passage?
"When we got home we went straight to Mother's high, white room to have tea with
her, and I immediately climbed onto the bed and bounced gently up and down on
the springs. Mother asked how we had liked our first day of school. I was so
pleased to be home and to have left that peculiar Cynthia behind that I had
nothing whatever to say about school, except to ask what "apple" meant But
Premila told Mother about the classes, and added that in her class they had
weekly tests to see if they had leamed their lessons well.
I asked, "What's a test?"
Premila said, "You're too small to have them. You won't have them in your class
for donkey's years."

A. Santha feels disconnected from school, and is happy to be back where she
feels safe and happy.
B. Santha likes bouncing on springs.
C. Santha is eager to learn what "apple" means.
D. Mother is worried, and wants the children to explain how they are being