The story of American politics is rooted in the struggle between a strong central government and states’ rights. Establish and defend an argument for which of the two sides should have more power: the federal government or the states. Be sure to explain why your choice is the best option for addressing the needs of the nation and its citizens.

In your essay, you must:

Articulate a defensible claim or thesis that responds to the prompt and establishes a line of reasoning.

Support your claim with at least TWO pieces of accurate and relevant information.
At least ONE piece of evidence must be from the list below.
McCulloch v Maryland
US v Lopez
The Constitution

The second piece of evidence must be from a different source on the list above OR from your knowledge of US Government and Politics.

Use reasoning to explain why your evidence supports your claim/thesis.

Respond to an opposing or alternative perspective using refutation, concession, or rebuttal.