Assignment #1: Writing
You are going to write a response to an email. You will have 15 minutes to read the message and write your reply.
Your reply should include a greeting and a farewell, and should answer all the questions and prompts in the message. In your response, you should ask for more information about something mentioned in the message, and you should also respond in a formal way.
Email Reply
Curriculum Topic: Science and Technology
Context: Ethics and Science
Caleb Morante Newspaper "Eureka"
Thank you for your interest in the "Journalist for a Month" contest. among thousands of
participants who have written to our newsroom, we have been struck by your essay about
of the manipulation of genetic information of employees by potential
Dear young man:
employers. We would like you to provide us with the following information: Is it necessary for employers to inform applicants that they will undergo a genetic study to determine possible health conditions that may hinder their employment?
work? • If these exams discover a certain condition that the person was unaware of regarding her own health, should she be notified or is it not necessary to do so since she will not be hired?
We thank you in advance for your participation. Sincerely, Caleb Morante
Editorial Director.