
Original Source
"The Halliburton Loophole is a carte-blanche exemption from the Safe Drinking Water Act for an emergent
technique called fracking. A form of extraction dating back to the Civil War (a subsequent version, in the
1960s, used subterranean nukes to fracture rock), when miners used nitroglycerin to blow holes in oil-
soaked caves, fracking has since evolved into a brute but nimble method for blasting oil and gas deposits
that couldn't be recovered by conventional derricks, at least not at a rate that made them profitable."
Taken from page 55:
Solotaroff, Paul. "What's Killing the Babies of Vernal Utah?" Rolling Stone Jul 02 2015: 24. ProQuest.
Web. 6 July 2015.
True or False: The following sentence would be considered plagiarism.
According to Paul Solotaroff, a writer for Rolling Stone, fracking has become "a brute but nimble method for
blasting oil and gas deposits that couldn't be recovered by conventional derricks" (55).
Select one:
O True
O False

Original Source The Halliburton Loophole is a carteblanche exemption from the Safe Drinking Water Act for an emergent technique called fracking A form of extrac class=