Read the following scenario about Greg's adventure to the symphony. Greg hasn't learned any concert etiquette.

What are the SIX mistakes that Greg makes according to Concert Etiquette 101?

What is the ONE thing that Greg does correctly (even though by accident) according to Concert Etiquette 101?

A man wearing a ball cap, who has a cold, attends a concert (let's call him Greg). After the concert begins, Greg walks through the door and takes a seat in the middle of the second row without saying a word. He frantically opens his program to find out what he has missed so far. Due to his cold, he also opens a cough drop for his cough. After the first piece (that he has heard since he arrived to the concert), he begins to clap and whistle - only to find out that nobody else is clapping with him. At the intermission, he finds a vending machine and buys a candy bar for the second half of the concert. After the concert, Greg remembers that he dropped the candy bar wrapper between the seats, and lifts his seat up to get the wrapper (at least he can put it in a trash can when he finds one - his mom always told him not to litter!).