A cattle rancher has a trailer full of new Angus feeder cattle to add to
his operation. All the cattle have been taken off the same field and
they are all similar in weight and confirmation. Before he adds them
to his operation he wants to know what will make them gain the
most weight for the least cost. He has an irrigated field with grass, a
barn full of grass hay and barrels of grain. Help him decide what feed
to use.
1. In the above paragraph underline the question or problem.
2. Develop an overview for an experiment to test the problem. Include the steps you will take.
3. Write a Hypothesis of the outcome of the experiment.
4. What is the dependent variable
5. What is the independent variable
6. What is the control/constant.
7. Are the variables qualitative or quantitative? Why?
8. Identify possible sources of unavoidable experimental error.