Drug Misuse and Abuse Doc
1. Watch the video on slide 6.
a. How many people died from substance abuse?
2. Read through definitions on slides 8-24
3. Slide 14- What type of directions are provided with prescription drugs?
4. Slide 15 - What factors are considered when doctors prescribe medicine?
5. Slide 19 - Why shouldn't you let someone else use your prescriptions?
6. Slide 26-What %?
7. Slide 27 - What %?
8. Slide 28 - What %?
9. Slide 29 - What is the takeaway message from this graph?
10. Were any of the above statistics surprising? Explain.
11. Read directions on slide 31 - use +, - or ÷ to answer questions below. Explain your choice.

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