Write the first draft of your paragraph on this document. Be sure to complete each section with your best work
so you can avoid any unnecessary revisions later.
A) Topic Sentence:

B) Summary of the FIRST Poem
What you need to accomplish in this
part of the paragraph-
Use the statement you wrote at
the end of your brainstorming
sheet. Type it in the box to the
Explain the poem for your reader in
case they haven't read it. Include this
following information:
The topic of the poem

Identify who the "speaker" is
telling the poem (it is not the
What happens in the poem
The poem's overall theme and
Both "When I am overcome by weakness" by Najat Abdul Samad and
"Bags and Bones" by Dunya Mikhail both show the challenges you
have to go through to show resilience
The topic of this poem is Syrian Refugees and the challenges they
faced in order to gain resilience. The speaker was talking about how it
was to live in Syria while Saddam Hussan was the leader she said it
was like torture, no food, no home and it was also cold outside. The
poem was also talking about a boy getting hit with an electric stick on
his kidney until he urinated blood. The poem describes the resilience
and courage of ordinary Syrians who remain true to their values even
though their world is crumbling around them. The overall theme of
this poem is that in the darkest times there are sources of hope in the
people around us that theme or statement connects to resilience
because whatever you are going through you have to have resilience
to ask a person around to help you.