ctorial Notes-World History 331
ropean Footholds in Southeast Asia and India
Explain how European countries dominated Asian regions
ke sure everybody is safe and not in danger for the first and most important thing.
If you were sent by your king to control territory, describe how you might accomplish this
Read the section titled European Footholds in Southeast Asia and dia. You will be
creating "Pictorial Notes" for this information. Write the term and definition/information
and create a sketch that represents the term/event.
1. Building a Mighty Sea Power
2. A Powerful Dutch Company
3. Asserting Dutch Dominance
4. Spain Seizes the Philippines
5. Mughal India and European Traders
Name: Sophie prokhor
Building a Mighty Sea Power
-After being gone a year, a Dutch fleet
brings back pepper, cloves, and spices
-Success leads to more Dutch warships
and trading ships sent
-Set up settlement at Cape Town -
strategic power move for Dutch
In the example, you will see my
hand-drawn image :) You have to
watch the video instructions!

ctorial NotesWorld History 331 ropean Footholds in Southeast Asia and India ARNING TARGET TRY TASK Explain how European countries dominated Asian regions JR TAS class=